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Jamie Abbriano
Jamie Abbriano photo

Jamie Abbriano

United States

Jamie Abbriano

Brooklyn , United States

I am a self taught artist who accidentally discovered my love for art during my college years. I had moved into my first apartment and was decorating my living room and wanted a large painting for the wall behind my couch. I found so many paintings I loved but I could not afford them. I was just getting on my feet and I figured well, maybe one day I can buy one, but for now I can try to make one. So I thought of a pretty image I liked and kind of tried drawing some ideas down. I came up with an abstract and very colorful painting of a man and a woman holding each other and I loved it. I loved the process. The painting I created. I loved the way it all made me feel and felt I wanted to keep doing it and I did. That was over about 20 years ago and I have dabbled in various types of paint from water colors to acrylics and pastels. But my true love is working with oils. The flow of it on the canvas and the ability it has to blend so nicely with such vibrancy as well is truly what draws me to it.
I have sold a few paintings since then and have also done many just for the fun of it. It is truly a love of mine and become a part of me.

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