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Jan Routh
Jan Routh photo

Jan Routh

Releasing Futility and Superficiality - exhibition

Releasing Futility and Superficiality - exhibition

In recent years, painting has become a way for me to find inspiration and joy in a world that can often feel filled with energetic futility, superficiality and much recent doom and gloom. Painting is a cathartic emotional process that helps me appreciate the exquisite details often overlooked in everyday life. That ever-changing quality of light, the unexpected bursts of colour, and the subtle everyday ‘jewels’ that exist within our surroundings. This has become my antidote to an unfortunately prevalent world negativity.

The vastness of nature naturally captivates us. Its depth, expansiveness and rawness remind us of our place in the Universe and our interconnectedness with everything around us. It helps us put our problems into perspective, let go of control, and find solace by taking a moment to appreciate the splendour of Creation. It brings us back to our vulnerability, allowing us to see the bigger, long-term picture.

When I create art, my goal is not to recreate a scene or moment, but to to contemplate the interconnectedness of nature, appreciate fleeting moments, and marvel at the splendor of Creation. I strive to release the energetic essence of what I've experienced, to exaggerate colours, tones, and proportions in a way that reflects how my soul perceives raw, unfiltered beauty.

Rising Upwards with Gratitude - Silent Art Auction

Rising Upwards with Gratitude - Silent Art Auction

An auction as a way to thank those who have expressed a desire to purchase one of my paintings but couldn’t afford the cost or payments. I am grateful to be able to slash my prices for two weeks! Check it out now!!!!

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