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Jean-Francois Ménard
Jean-Francois Ménard photo

Jean-Francois Ménard


Jean-Francois Ménard

Baie-Saint-Paul, Canada

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Over the years, I've held a number of important positions that have enabled me to gain varied experience and develop my skills in different areas. However, beyond my professional and political commitment, I also have a passion for art.

As an artist, I express myself through painting. I mainly use acrylics to create canvases that reflect my vision of the world. Every brushstroke is an opportunity for me to convey my emotions and capture the beauty that surrounds me.

Whether as a paramedic, city councillor or artist, I've always sought to use my talents and skills to make a positive difference in the lives of others. I'm proud of my accomplishments and determined to continue pursuing my passions and contributing to society in any way I can.

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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