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Jessica Tremblay
Jessica Tremblay photo

Jessica Tremblay


Jessica Tremblay

Cherstey, Canada

Two large, long wings and sharp horns. My name is Jessica Tremblay, I have been passionate about art since I was born. From a very young age, life has not really given me a gift and in misery I have been able to create a path for myself. Always last on the class benches. Leave solitude to itself, its I know.
I am self-taught, dyslexic, say phasic, marginal, creative.
I seriously got into painting when I was 13 years old. I had a serious accident that changed my life. At the bottom of the abyss, I knew how to cling to art.
In my loneliness it was the only thing that really made me happy. I experienced a lot of trauma that no child should ever know at such a young age. Death, abuse, violence, but that doesn't just boil down to that in all of this I became strong but above all thanks to art and being able to express myself freely. I got up and made my passion become into something wonderful. I touched a canvas and after that but hands no longer touched anything else.
My works are an extension of myself but not only that, these above all have passed me, injustices, loneliness, my desires, my sorrows, my philosophy but above all my love.
Most of my works I interpret them in my dreams where I see them deliver themselves in front of me like a film.

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