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Jocelyne Jodoin
Jocelyne Jodoin photo

Jocelyne Jodoin


Jocelyne Jodoin

Saint-CĂ©saire, Canada


1993 - 1995
Massey Vanier, Infographie


April, 2022
Gallerie Sutton
January, 2015
Manu Factum (Nicolet)
May, 2014
La tohu (Montréal)
June, 2014
Galerie V ( Valcourt)
August, 2010
Biosphère (Montréal)
December, 2011
Boréart (Granby)
May, 2002


Born in 1976, Jocelyne Jodoin comes from a family of apple growers. She came into contact with nature at an early age, surrounded by the inspiring landscapes of the orchards and mountains of Rougemont.

Growing up, she was inspired by her mother, a multidisciplinary artist who kept a treasure chest of painting, drawing and craft materials. This environment prompted her to practice drawing, in particular, in order to depict her daily life realistically.

After studying computer graphics, she realized that she preferred drawing and painting to computers, and returned to her first passion. She met La Claude Gagnon, who taught her painting and mosaic techniques for two years. Jocelyne Jodoin unfolds her imagination through painting that becomes more spontaneous and intuitive, and she is compared to Gauguin. In 2001, she joined a group of artists and painted a mural for the city of Granby, depicting a multicultural space in which characters travel through different countries and eras. She also offers extracurricular mural painting workshops in schools and youth centers.

She likes to get involved in her community and connect with others; it's a way for her to embody herself in a world she reflects through her artistic practice. She shares her knowledge through workshops where amateurs can discover their interests and talents: striking collaborations that remind us of the importance of the arts in everyday life.

Nature and the environment punctuate and punctuate her career: she loves to paint nature, but her respect for the environment meant that she needed to do more. In the 2000s, she became an eco-designer, recycling old bicycle inner tubes to make utilitarian accessories: panniers, satchels, bracelets and so on. It was at this time that she also began painting a series of canvases about bicycles, echoing her practice as a fashion designer.

Today, her painting has enabled her to develop an observational side that captures everyday life in a realistic way, while knowing how to play with colors, strokes and light to create a lasting impression.

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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