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Joelle Rousseau
Joelle Rousseau photo

Joelle Rousseau


Joelle Rousseau

Dolbeau - Mistassini , Canada

Joelle Rousseau is a young painter from the Lac-St-Jean region. Her desire to create was born out of the confinement of the pandemic and her thirst for change in 2020. She quickly realized that art, more than ever, is a breath of fresh air that can enable individuals to awaken, recognize and free themselves.

Her understanding of space and sense of color immediately drew her to lyrical abstraction, where the expression of individual emotion was her springboard to creation. Joelle Rousseau's personal sensibility enables her to create unique canvases that respect no particular code.

Her abstract canvases are created with spontaneous splashes of paint, like the works of Jackson Pollock, or directly from the tube, like the abstract painter Georges Mathieu. His works make extensive use of color variations, movement, chiaroscuro and various textures. Indeed, his works, much appreciated by collectors and modern art enthusiasts, represent nothing in particular, meaning that their content is not only to be looked at, but felt and discovered with the emotions.

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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