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José photo




Marieville, Canada


1981 - 1983
D.E.C. Fine Arts at Cégep du Vieux-Montréal
2012 - 2016
Graduate microprogram in art therapy at Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue


Exposition collective « LUV » à l’Atelier "Art toutes directions" (St-Hyacinthe)
February, 2010
Exposition collective « Lancement » au "Osmose – Café des Arts" (St-Hyacinthe)
August, 2010
Exposition collective « Expo-Cadeau » à la "Galerie Style & Couleurs" (Chambly)
December, 2010
Exposition collective « Processus » à la "Galerie Style & Couleurs" (Chambly)
July, 2011
Exposition collective o « Relève ton Café » au "Osmose – Café des Arts" (St-Hyacinthe)
August, 2011

Am I an artist? I've been asking myself this question for a long time, without being able to answer it... As if, in order to answer "Yes", without any hesitation, I absolutely had to be as brilliant as my idols (Van Gogh, Dali, Magritte, to name but a few).
I've always created out of necessity. Since childhood, I've always liked to immerse myself in my imagination rather than in reality. Art allowed me to have fun reinventing my life.
"Only children who know how to dream can save themselves.
[Cyrulnik, 1999, Un merveilleux malheur].
I've long been interested in art, particularly visual art, as evidenced by my D.E.C. in visual arts. Although a certain pragmatism pushed me towards psychology, throughout my personal and professional development I have retained a passion for the creative act. While working full-time as a psychologist, I have explored different ways of expressing this creativity: writing short stories, developing a website (with a comic strip), virtual scrapbooking, theater, etc.
2008 was a turning point in my artistic career: I got up on stage for the first time in my life; I became one of the founding members of Osmose - Café des arts (for up-and-coming artists); I discovered the GIMP software and started playing computer graphics apprentice, creating show posters and other fun photo montages. In 2010 and 2011, I take part in my first group exhibitions and, in 2012, I finally start art therapy classes. I also take part in improvisation matches and do my first directing assistantship.
I think all this has contributed to building the artist I am today. Each of my works is a look at my inner life and my personal way of feeling and perceiving the world around me. I create with a desire to share this feeling with you, in the hope that you too can taste, in your own way, new flavors of life.
And I've finally come to the answer to my original question. Yes, I am an artist. An artist at heart, who has always used and will always use art as therapy.

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