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Vinet-Larente photo




Pont-Rouge, Canada


1993 - 1996
Fine arts


La station Québec
June, 2023
September, 2023

-A trend-setting Quebec artist who has won several awards for his work, Vinet-Larente's early adulthood was spent in the fine arts. It couldn't have been any other way, since since early childhood there was nothing else but artistic creation and its primary source of inspiration, nature. Over the years, Vinet-Larente has put his talent to good use with private and public commissions for paintings, drawings and murals. These are just a few of her strengths, since all media and supports make up her highly assertive creative universe, which never ceases to evolve.

Artistic approach
Through art, I put into images the reflection of my inner discourses inspired by words, history, heritage, nature, the universe - in short, the world around me. Through color, I translate my reflections, silently shouting out all the beauties of the world, past, future and present. I'm constantly striving to push back the boundaries of my art to echo the passing of time. The echo of all those forgotten yesterdays and promising tomorrows that are so beautiful to tell. Rather than over-defining the meaning of my works, I let the viewer make them their own, so that they in turn can create their own story and embark on a journey to the land of their imagination.

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