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Julien Grassiot
Julien Grassiot photo

Julien Grassiot


Julien Grassiot

Montréal, Canada


Solitudes Urbaines
March, 2022

Hi, I'm Julien, a 33-year-old Frenchman who's been living in Montreal for almost 3 years. I've always been attracted to all art media, especially the visual arts. As a child, I dabbled in drawing and painting, and enjoyed reproducing and illustrating poetry in primary school. After graduating with a Bachelor's degree in Modern Literature after 3 years, I continued my studies with a Master's degree in Art and Cultural Industries, seeking to specialize in all artistic fields. At the same time, I discovered filmmakers and photographers who inspired me, forging my photographic eye and a certain conception of framing. I discovered Robert Frank's book "The Americans", Diane Arbus's "Freaks" and Garry Winogrand's America caught on camera. They were storytellers, and I wanted to do the same, or at least try. So it was at university that I joined a photography club. There I learned the basics of film photography, honing my photographic eye and learning the technique of darkroom printing. And then, as I travelled, I observed and tried to capture scenes from the daily lives of these strangers who wandered before my eyes and whose stories I wanted to tell. Over the years, I've also experimented with digital collage techniques, with a series I've entitled "Je m'incruste dans les oeuvres d'art" ("I crash into works of art"), in which I humorously revisit the self-portrait genre, infusing it with a touch of modernity that questions the cult of the body and personality conveyed by our communication and consumer society. Thank you

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