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Kanfitine YAFFAH
Kanfitine YAFFAH photo

Kanfitine YAFFAH


Kanfitine YAFFAH

Lomé, Togo


February, 2021
February, 2020


Born November 05, 1981 in Lomé (Togo).

This artist received formal training in silk-screen printing, then self-taught in the plastic arts.

His innate talent for painting was rewarded in 2015 with the Prix du Jury at the Musée Saint-Frajou, Toulouse.

Kanfitine Yaffah has also taken part in several national and international exhibitions, in many African countries and in France, such as "Africa-Arts", at Galerie Joseph, Paris. He has also run several workshops in his native country and outside Togo.

Kanfitine Yaffah defines his artistic work as a mirror of society, seen through the prism of his emotions. His impressionist-influenced paintings are marked by the symbolism of the lightness of a bird's flight. The combination of colors in this artist's work is an inspiration from the heart, conveying a message of hope.

He uses a variety of materials to create original works: papier-mâché, salvaged objects, the spider's web symbolizing the journey of life, the school slate reminiscent of the permanence of knowledge acquired at school.

From a philosophical point of view, Kanfitine Yaffah gives pride of place to spirituality. He gives primacy to communication through the original rhythm between the universe and the spirit, believing that it must be at the service of aesthetics.

As his conception of art is based on interactivity, he believes that the beauty of a work lies in its creation and in the eye of the beholder. In short, Kanfitine Yaffah's artistic universe can be summed up as a "rendezvous of giving and receiving".

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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