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Ken Édouard Risdon
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Ken Édouard Risdon


Ken Édouard Risdon

Lévis, Canada


2000 - 2009
University Diploma in Arts (BA)


Grand Rire Bleue show
September, 2003
Ministry of Revenue
September, 1984
Amnesty International
September, 1980
Baie Saint Paul Art Center
September, 1980
Laval University
October, 1985

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Artistic approach

Like most children, I drew very early in my life, and like most people I gave up art for a while, only to pick it up again in my teens. During this period, the need to express myself through art returned and I painted for several years. Then, caught up in work, a difficult family situation and studies, I had to put painting on the back burner.
In my late twenties, I moved to Charlevoix, and as my pace of life allowed, I was able to return to painting. During that time, I did a lot of drawing, watercolor and ink stippling. I took part in several exhibitions: National Bank, Amnesty International, Centre d'Art de Baie-Saint-Paul, Black Sheep, Ministère du Revenu and several art boutiques in Baie-Saint-Paul.
In my early thirties, I moved to the Eastern Townships to study woodworking. It was then that I was introduced to wood carving.
For many years afterwards, cabinetmaking was my main occupation. In fact, I taught this craft to young people in difficulty for over five years. The works produced were substantial, and some were used as sets at the Capitole during the Grand Rire bleu shows. These works were mainly decorations for the shows.
After that, I decided to get my first university degree in fine arts.
For the next few decades, my work as a teacher and then as general manager, and a return to university occupied most of my time. Once again, there was a break as an artist, because although my work as director of the École de lutherie Artistique was rewarding, it took up all my time. During this period, I was able to assist several people in their endeavors, and the Groupement des Luthiers et Archetiers d'Art de France named me an honorary member of their association in recognition of my work in lutherie in Quebec.
For the past two years, I've been retired, and I can finally give free rein to my artistic inspiration. Over the past two years, I've been able to produce a number of paintings and some stone sculptures.
Art has become my main occupation.

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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