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Xki | Kim Michaud
Xki | Kim Michaud photo

Xki | Kim Michaud


Xki | Kim Michaud

Granby, Canada

Hello, my name is Kim (pseudo Xki), and I'm delighted to introduce you to my passion, which allows me to clear my head and escape from everyday life.

Ever since I was a little girl, I've been fuelled by creativity. My grandmother was a painter and a great inspiration to me. Her entire house was a magnificent canvas, from the basement to the cathedral ceiling on the top floor. From the top of my 3 apples, every time I visited her, my eyes shining, I would run around the house like a great hunt for new works. Her unexpected death on a mild, white November day triggered in me the urge to paint, and to show from above that she had managed to teach me art only by observing it.

Having also lived through a chain of difficult events, illness, separation, suffering and numerous bereavements, I painted my rage into the wee hours of the morning without being able to stop.

Having always felt different from everyone else, art allowed me to escape and express myself. Believing that I wouldn't be able to make a career out of it, I opted to study management at university, but my ADHD and narcolepsy meant that I couldn't assimilate the subject matter as well as the others, so I escaped uncontrollably, but I persevered. I then landed jobs in law and health care (in the emergency room), which gave me the opportunity to see human suffering from all angles, hence my strong need to escape chaos by painting what soothes, i.e. gentleness and nature. I've created large 6' linen teepees customized to stimulate children's imaginations (painted with fluorescent light effects), designed albums, sweaters, logos and now I'm back to my old love, painting.

My canvases are designed to bring calm and serenity during events, but they are also crowned with variations in texture to enable sensory motor skills for those who have that need to touch.

Putting my creativity to work has enabled me to embrace my difference, and I hope to inspire others to do the same. For special needs along the same lines, don't hesitate to ask me for a personalized canvas.

My next projects will focus more on texture and size, so stay tuned!

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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