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Kirk Sutherland
Kirk Sutherland photo

Kirk Sutherland


Kirk Sutherland

Toronto, Canada


1987 - 1991
OCAD University-Faculty Experimental Arts-Drawing and Painting

My name is Kirk Sutherland. I’m a Toronto-based Canadian artist. I’ve exhibited my work under the representation of many galleries internationally. Thousands of my pieces are included in both private and corporate collections globally.

I graduated high-honours from the Ontario College of Art and Design(OCADU) in 1991, majoring in Experimental Arts, Contemporary Art (Drawing and Painting)

I’m a renowned colourist who was born with synesthesia. People with synesthesia blend two or more senses. Synesthetes hear colours, feel sounds, and taste shapes. This very much enhances my creative process.

I’m influenced by Abstract Expressionism, Post-Painterly Abstraction, the Colour Field movement, and all that I see and experience.

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