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My New Art: The Unspoken Compassion

My New Art: The Unspoken Compassion

Dear friends, This is my new artwork based on the theme of innocent pets. Once a while I have coming back to my home. It's raining like anything. While my home is few distance away, I saw a stray dog (puppy) totally wetted and shivering due to cold. I have gone near to the puppy. Seeing me, he was behaving in such a way that he knows me many times before. Instantly he came near me and speaks many things in his unspoken language. I took to the nearby shelter and dried him. After a few moments, he slept there. After spending few moments, I left for the home. And next day I was astonished to find him near my home. From that day onwards, he becomes a part of our life.

The unspoken compassion is an act of kindness in which the unspoken is heard. Sometimes we have an intuitive connection with pets and animals without even saying a word. Compassion is our unspoken love for others. We define ourselves in the power of our tears, our compassion for pets. It's a feeling. It's a vibe. It's energy transmitting from one to another. It's in a look. It's in an action. It's something you just know without needing words to describe it.

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