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Krystle Marriott
Krystle Marriott photo

Krystle Marriott


Krystle Marriott

Hamilton , Canada

English translation:

Krystle is a local Hamilton-based artist whose love for art began when she was a child. Art has always been a way escape for Krystle and she has found it to be very healing as well.

Krystle stopped creating art in high school due to other pressures but rediscovered her creative gift when she was reminded of on her spiritual journey.

Since then, Krystle has grown in her skill as a faith-based, inspirational artist. Her love for art and her faith in her Creator has brought her a lot of emotional wholeness throughout her struggles with mental illness. Krystle has used her art as a way to overcome this mental illness and now helps others do the same through the therapeutic art making workshops she hosts at her newly opened art studio Change The Art. Krystle hopes to continue to use her craft to inspire others to have faith in their Creator, themselves and others.

Her Faith Like a Child series depicts children postured in a spirit of hope, joy and love and she believes that her work draws these mindsets out of those who view it.

Krystle is a local artist based in Hamilton whose love of art began when she was a child. Art has always been an escape for Krystle and she has also found it very healing. Krystle stopped creating art in high school due to other pressures, but rediscovered her creative gift when she remembered her spiritual journey. Since then, Krystle has grown in her skills as a faith-based and inspirational artist. Her love of art and faith in her creator have brought her much emotional fulfillment throughout her struggles with mental illness. Krystle used her art as a means to overcome this mental illness and now helps others do the same through the therapeutic art-making workshops she leads at her new art studio Change The Art. Krystle hopes to continue using her art to inspire others to trust in their Creator, in themselves and in others. Her Faith Like a Child series depicts children in a spirit of hope, joy and love, and she believes her work attracts these states of mind from those who see it.

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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