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La Marguerite
La Marguerite photo

La Marguerite


La Marguerite

Toronto, Canada

Claire Marguerite Levy is my given name. La Marguerite is my artist name. I was born in Morocco, lived in Montreal, Israel and Toronto. 3 wonderful men call me mom and I love them to the end of the rainbow and back. My partner Stephen, is the best things that has happened to me in a long time.
I am an eclectic artist. My art is my voice, my word, my song. The canvass is where I express my true self. Painting takes me out and away from my concrete reality and into a beautiful and bold abstract. Playing with texture is one of my passions. Another is bold colours, shapes and lines. With my art, my voice, I express love and beauty, quirkiness and darkness, bounty and scarcity.
I take inspiration from moods, colours and textures, stories and other works. Sometimes I start a piece and when it seems to me it isn't going anywhere, I keep it close, look at it everyday until i find the inspiration to continue.
Art speaks when words are unable to explain.

Claire Marguerite Lévy is my name. La Marguerite is my artist's name. I was born in Morocco, have lived in Montreal, Israel and now live in Toronto. 3 wonderful men call me Mom and my love for them knows no bounds. My husband Stephen is the best thing that has happened to me in a long time.
I'm an eclectic artist. My art is my voice, my words, my song. The canvas is where I express who I am deep inside. Painting takes me out of my concrete reality and plunges me into a beautiful, bold abstract. Playing with texture is one of my passions. Others are striking colors, shapes and lines. With my art, my voice, I express love and beauty, eccentricity and darkness, generosity and rarity.
I draw my inspiration from surrounding moods, colors and textures, from stories and other works. Sometimes I start a piece and when it seems to be going nowhere, I keep it close to me, looking at it every day until I find the inspiration to continue.
Art speaks to me when words cannot.

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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