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Lilach Lotan
Lilach Lotan photo

Lilach Lotan


Lilach Lotan

Nanaimo , Canada


2000 - 2003
Fine Arts Bezalel Academy of Art, Jerusalem Israel

I find inspiration in the captivating beauty of the ocean and the mesmerizing landscapes around Vancouver Island. The ever-changing movement of the waves fascinates me! It evokes a sense of freedom and solitude that I seek to express on canvas. It takes me on a journey, allowing me to discover the unexpected.
I love the serendipity of the creative process, at times finding what I wasn't actively seeking.

Through art, I can redirect my emotions onto the canvas, creating a tangible representation of my inner world. It's a process that takes me on a journey, creating a connection between the past, present, and future.

I hope to share the profound beauty around us, sparking emotions and transporting audiences to a place of contemplation and wonder.

Lilach Lotan

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