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Lise Paradis i.a.f.
Lise Paradis i.a.f. photo

Lise Paradis i.a.f.


Lise Paradis i.a.f.

Laval, Canada


- present
Charcoal drawing & pastel /École Beaux-Arts de Montréal
- present
Commercial design (lettering, fashion design, illustration) / Studio Salette, Montreal
1984 - 1984
Watercolor workshop with watercolor artist Maurice Domingue


''Les couleurs de chez-moi'' // Washington DC. USA.
October, 1991
''La nature et moi" //Jardin botanique de Montréal
March, 1987
'' Au gré des humeurs et de vents'' // Salle de spectacle André Mathieu, Laval
November, 2002
Les couleurs de chez-moi (2e) // Washington DC. USA.
October, 1992
Les couleurs de chez-moi (3e) //Washington DC. USA.
October, 1993

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Her painting is inspired by daily happenings. Strength and softness cost harmoniously in her work, which is figurative and very versatile; painting landscapes, peoples, still lives and flowers and also animals and birds like: white canada geese and ''barnaches''
Children, animals, flowers and large birds, always have a favorite place in her works.
ALthough her major production is done with oil, for which she is selfthaught, her favorite mediums are: oil, acrylic (also selfthaught) that she practices alternately and in combination; watercolor (an old friend) enchances her and permits her to play with the transparency.
Her works have been exhibited at many Art Galleries during 49 years and were published in several Art books and magazines, during the same years. Her paintings won Prizes in Québec as well as in the USA and are part of public and private collections in Quebec, USA, Europe, Japan as well as in the Middle-East...etc.
During 30 years, she transmitted her knowledge, as an oil painting teacher, in order to satisfy her thirst of accomplishment while giving to the future artists, the opportunity to profit of her artistic baggage .

Her ''palette'' reflects the love for living.

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