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Liudmyla Koveshnikova_MilaNechi
Liudmyla Koveshnikova_MilaNechi photo

Liudmyla Koveshnikova_MilaNechi


Liudmyla Koveshnikova_MilaNechi

Hope, Canada


1995 - 2000
Workshop of the famous recognized Ukrainian artist Volodymyr Golba


Ukrainian coast
September, 2002
Ukrainian coast - 2
August, 2004
July, 2007
South wind
October, 2010
Personal exhibition - Forever in love with the nature of Canada
July, 2019
Personal exhibition - Just my love
July, 2021
Personal exhibition - With love, pain and hope in my heart.
July, 2022

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My name is Liudmyla Koveshnikova.
I was born and raised in Ukraine.
My creative pseudonym is Mila Nechi.
With this name I sign all my paintings.
This name contains part of the name that passed to me from my father.
I want to keep this memory.
I studied, read, worked, was happy, struggled with difficulties, loved, made friends, got to know our world, was upset and disappointed.
But I drew in parallel with all this.
I have been drawing since the time I remember myself.
I currently live and work in Canada.
I am a member of the art gallery in my town and a member of the art gallery in Vancouver.
My works are exhibited there.
My name is Liudmyla Koveshnikova.
I was born and raised in Ukraine.
My creative pseudonym is Mila Nechi.
With this name I sign all my paintings.
This name contains part of the name passed down to me by my father.
I want to keep this memory.
I studied, I read, I worked, I was happy, I struggled with difficulties, I loved, I made friends, I learned about our world, I was upset and disappointed.
But I drew in parallel with all that.
I've been drawing ever since I can remember.
I currently live and work in Canada.
I'm a member of my city's art gallery and a member of the Vancouver Art Gallery.
My work is exhibited there.

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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