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Losier Evelyn
Losier Evelyn photo

Losier Evelyn


Losier Evelyn

ST-GERMAIN de Grantham, Canada


2013 - present
beaux arts-Lubvomir Ivankovitch
- present
cegep Drummondville


Authentique Reliance
December, 2021
serie festive
April, 2019
La vie ne tient qu'a un fil
June, 2018

Multidisciplinary artist born in Tracadie-Sheila, New-Brunswick.
I am in constant evolution and thirst for new knowledge. My passions have oriented me towards new challenges, towards the ultimate horizon. Since the year 2000, I have taught art in my private workshop with the goal of giving my students the tools and work plans they need to excel. An artist must be surrounded by a variety of art forms and learning techniques borrowed from every field; he must associate with others and live in solidarity. The sharing of knowledge, the beauty and passion of creating are treasures. To touch, to experiment and to observe experience are so many tools that helps an artist down the road to the attainment of his professional goals.
Evelyn has a rich and colourful career. What’s characterising her work is metaphoric and poetic space where poetry is an extension of her pictorial work. Also the different levels of recuperation transformed into unique and elegant collection of Jewell and ornaments’ frame.
« Each piece of art is prepared with care of, textured in silk paper crinkled by my hands in order to liberate its energy. It’s like a ritual of creation that I put on the canvas. From the strokes of the brush is born nature, light, impressionist or figurative, waltzing with the abstract. She unveils landscapes of rare places, where nothing and no one troubles our gaze; a marking of the passage of time ».

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