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Mara G. Szyp
Mara G. Szyp photo

Mara G. Szyp

Blood & Flowers

Blood & Flowers

Between emotions.
I feel a lot of things lately and some of the things happening around me clash inside my head.
I feel sadness for the current situation and all those babies found in unmarked graves.
And I feel I hope someone out there can find closure.
And I feel someone needs to be responsible.
And I feel overwhelmed with everyone’s thoughts about it.
And I feel confused because I do not know who is being genuine and who is participating just to be, or because everyone else does or because sadly it can be used as a light on each person’s platform and collect likes that are obsolete because they aren’t real thoughts or real feelings but manufactured to make you think they are.

I can’t voice all the voices I am thinking.
All I can say is that I hope some inner growl grows from this, that the claws get sharper, that the skin gets thicker, that the cries really reaches those who can do something about it.
And that the world is really awakening to a reality: there is so much wrong with our world. And something HAS to change.

So I paint … that’s my voice. Without an accent, without a olive skin colour, without a flag. Just paint and a few brushes. This is for you that are gone but screaming for everyone to hear the truth. “Blood & Flowers”

#bloodandflowers #missingbutnolongersilent #voicingchange #allraces #blacklivesmatter #asianlivesmatter #firstnationslivesmatter #latinoslivesmatter #whitelivesmatter #greylivesmatter #greenlivesmatter #everyonematters #accountability #genuinity #artwithmeaning #artismyvoice …

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