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Marianne Faguy
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Marianne Faguy


Marianne Faguy

Québec, Canada


2003 - 2007
University of Ottawa, Bachelor of Visual Arts

Artworks painted with love and sensibility to touch your heart and inspire you.

Our world is an interconnected whole. We are shaped by the people and spaces around us. But we also influence them. A delicate equilibirum that fascinates me.

Reconnecting with oneself allows us to become aware of these deep ties. But before we can take care of the world around us, we must also take care of our own self!

In our fast-paced world, it can be tough to take time for this. Becoming a mom and studying yoga made me slow down. It fed thoughts and feelings I illustrate with love to illuminate your day.

Enjoy art full of positive energy to inspire to reconnect with yourselves, with others, with our environment.

This desire to take care of the living is also reflected through quality eco-responsible materials, such as the paint I make by hand with natural and non-toxic pigments.

Native of L'Islet, on the banks of the St-Lawrence river, I live and work in Quebec city, Canada.

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