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Marie-Josée Picard
Marie-Josée Picard photo

Marie-Josée Picard


Marie-Josée Picard

Verchères, Canada

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Marie-Josée Picard studied visual arts and graphic design. She has worked as a freelancer, art director and marketing director for various organizations. Inspired by strong messages and everything that's alive, her illustrations are characterized by a realistic approach in which we can feel her influence from the graphic arts in certain works.

As a child, her creative sensibility and entrepreneurial spirit were already apparent. As a little girl, sitting at a work table with her Prismacolor crayons, she would handcraft a "neighborhood newspaper" of illustrations, cut-outs and anecdotes to sell to the neighborhood.

This little girl turned woman is still the same: resourceful, inventive, creative and enterprising. Over the past year, the pandemic context has brought to the fore a latent passion that had always slumbered within her: illustration.

When she's not drawing, Marie-Josée spends her time fulfilling her role as mom, tinkering, photographing, gardening, walking her dog, petting her cats, cycling, cross-country skiing, getting involved in her community and sharing good times with her small, close and precious group.

Marie-Josée alternates her creative techniques. Her pen moves from pencil, to watercolor, to digital art or sometimes a juxtaposition of the three.

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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