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Marilyn Hurst
Marilyn Hurst photo

Marilyn Hurst


Marilyn Hurst

Surrey, Canada

In the early nineties it was time to rediscover myself and I underwent an existential process, uprooting a creative side I never knew existed and with that came the urge to take up painting. Since that time, the work has expanded beyond anything I could have dreamed or imagined.
It would seem that life thrives on change and the transition to becoming a painter has been a tremendous learning curve and along the way I have developed a new found respect for the resolve which is necessary to make the art profession work for oneself.
In 1997 after a life changing move to Cabo San Lucas, Baja, Mexico opportunity beckoned to work on the world stage and we took a gamble and opened a 2nd floor studio in the downtown area. It was there that the real art education began. As testimony to the creative spirit, over the next 13 years our humble beginning morphed & grew with the Golden Cactus Gallery’s’ eclectic collection of artists and art to become the most respected art gallery in Los Cabos and the benchmark of excellence for the southern Baja.
My paintings reflect a ménage of life experience, and creative energy. The landscapes, florals and expressionist abstracts are as always, inspired by the colors and culture of Mexico and the beauty of my home in the Pacific Northwest.
At the moment I am painting from my studio in White Rock, BC Canada, but still spending months in the Baja painting in the Old Town Gallery where I show my work during the winters.

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