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Martin Jalbert
Martin Jalbert photo

Martin Jalbert


Martin Jalbert

Montréal, Canada


2001 - 2005
Art and Design UQO


Exposition collective MTL Undercovered,Théâtre Paradoxe, Montréal
March, 2018

Martin Jalbert discovered and became interested in drawing and the world's great painters at a very early age. He was fascinated by this world, and by the questioning and possible expression that this medium could bring him. A little later, he entered the world of comics, without abandoning painting altogether. He continued his studies in comics at Collège Marie-Victorin (1998), and then moved on to the Université du Québec en Outaouais (2000). As soon as he arrived, Martin got involved in a number of artistic projects, including several comic strip projects (the publication <<le Scribe>>, comic strip courses at Lycée Claudel, ...) and took part in over 18 exhibitions (Alliance Française in 2005, Galerie Montcalm in 2004, National Archive of Canada in 2003, ...) in 5 years. He interspersed his stay in Hull with a study trip to Toulouse, France, where he developed his Plexiglas painting technique. Amazed by his discovery, he continued experimenting and wanted to develop it as much as possible. Since arriving in Montreal in 2005, he has been involved in design projects for the restaurant l'Assommoir and the restaurant La Bête Humaine. He is also preparing an idea, a look through the window of his mind, which he shares with you today.

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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