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Martin Laliberte
Martin Laliberte photo

Martin Laliberte


Martin Laliberte

Québec, Canada


2018 - present
Accademie des beaux arts du quebec

Martin laliberte aka HVTE
Born in Quebec City in 1977
Originally from Thetford Mines, now living in Quebec City

Since 2016 has devoted himself to urban art... portraitism ...pastels and Japanese cartoons...

3rd level student in observational drawing at the Académie des Beaux-Arts de Québec

Graffiti artist/muralist with éphémère création since 2019....I've been accumulating private and commercial contracts since...portrait commissions...NFT....logo and canvases ...

Influencē by mangakas like SUSHIO and KEICHI ARAWI and graffiti artists like craola SIMPKINS ..sofles..le collectif MSK and 123klan de mtl..je roule ma bosse maintenant au sein des collectifs FMR et E.V crew

My interests lie between music...digital and conventional art...sports and friends/family
Very involved in the graffiti scene in and around Quebec City

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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