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M Lacroix Artiste Peintre
M Lacroix Artiste Peintre photo

M Lacroix Artiste Peintre


M Lacroix Artiste Peintre

Trois-Rivières, Canada


2014 - 2020
Baccalauréat Arts visuels UQTR
2022 - present
Art-thérapie UQAT

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Martine Lacroix, an artist living in the Mauricie region, has been passionate about the arts since her early childhood. Her boundless creativity and curiosity led her to take private painting lessons for many years. Eager to learn more and develop her skills, the artist decided to continue her training at university. With a bachelor's degree in visual arts, she went on to study psychology. For her, these two fields are intimately linked. Her background in art therapy is a particular inspiration. To go within oneself, to better create.

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