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Maude Chalifour
Maude Chalifour photo

Maude Chalifour


Maude Chalifour

Windsor, Canada


2000 - 2002
Visual and Media Arts, CĂ©gep LĂ©vis-Lauzon


Deck the walls!
November, 2022

I was born and raised in Quebec. After graduating from a visual and media arts program near my hometown, I moved to Western Canada and made the Rockies my home for several years before settling in Ontario. During this period, I developed a passion for nature and mountains.
My strength is the representation of movement. I use charcoal, ink, acrylic paint and pyrography.
My wish is to make you feel the peace of nature. Indulge yourself!

I was born and raised in Quebec City. After graduating from a Visual and Media Arts program in my hometown, I moved out west and made the Rockies my home before settling in Ontario. During this period, I grew a passion for nature and the Mountains.
My strength in representing movement. I use charcoal, ink, acrylic paint, and pyrography.
My wish is to make you feel the peace of nature. Enjoy!

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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