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Recto\verso sur plaque aluminium

Recto\verso sur plaque aluminium

Bonjour. Je viens de lancer une nouvelle sĂ©rie de tableaux peints sur plaque d'aluminium recto\verso . Comme illustrĂ©, il y a un tableau diffĂ©rent sur chaque cotĂ© de la plaque. Le tableau encadrĂ© contient donc deux tableaux qui peuvent ĂȘtre vu successivement en retournant le tableau ou simultanĂ©ment en
le suspendant comme le video sur ma page facebook

Hello. I have just launched a new series of paintings painted on recto\verso aluminum plate. As shown, there is a different board on each side of the plate. The framed painting therefore contains two paintings which can be seen successively by turning the painting over or simultaneously by
hanging it like the video on my facebook page

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