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Mélanie Guay
Mélanie Guay photo

Mélanie Guay


Mélanie Guay

Québec, Canada


1992 - 1996
Art visuel Cegep Sainte-Foy et Université Laval

Mélanie Guay is a native of Quebec City's South Shore. With a mother gifted in the arts, she too quickly became passionate about this medium of expression.

She studied art at Cégep Sainte-Foy, graduating in 1996 with a degree in visual art. Throughout her college and university studies, she worked as a consultant in artist materials and framing. In this role, she met many professional artists, who inspired her to explore new techniques and try out new art products on the market.

Over the years, having explored several mediums, she adopted acrylics, which enabled her to move towards mixed techniques, collage and, above all, impasto textures, which are her greatest strength.

Since 2012, she has devoted herself solely to acrylic, working with a squeegee, brush and spatula to give maximum texture and fluidity, resulting in an unrivalled fusion of colors. The artist likes to play with volumes, but also with light and shadow. She often incorporates epoxy resin into her paintings, and sometimes other materials such as natural fibers or metal.

Mélanie Guay's paintings burst with color and movement. For her, the most important thing is to want to touch the material as much as look at it...

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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