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Melyna Leclerc
Melyna Leclerc photo

Melyna Leclerc


Melyna Leclerc

quebec, Canada


Galerie chez l'artiste
October, 2021
Salon des metier d'art
December, 2023
Salon des artisans
November, 2022
Happening des arts
June, 2022
Art et reflets symposium
August, 2022

The art world has always been very present in my life. I studied fashion design, then turned to fashion and artistic make-up. I made it my career for 11 years. In 2018, I switched from make-up brushes to paintbrushes. Since then, I've been working in abstract art and inviting people to travel to other universes through my creations.
Since then, I've taken part in several artistic events and group exhibitions. My first solo exhibitions are scheduled for April and June 2021. In 2019, I was hired by Deserres to teach my technique to the public as well as employees in the Quebec City area. I was subsequently named "Deserres Expert" and wrote several articles on my technique as well as on the practice of reusing materials and how to be "eco-responsible" in the workshop. I took part in a community television show in March 2020, where I had the opportunity to present my art and my creative process.

At the studio, I create a lot of custom orders for my customers as well as on personal collections and projects.

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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