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Michael Goguen
Michael Goguen photo

Michael Goguen

Porcelina of the Vast Oceans"

Porcelina of the Vast Oceans"

This is the latest artwork I am currently working on. I am also working on a commissioned piece, but I should not post the commissioned piece on line since it is a birthday gift the buyer is getting for her sister. There is still a long way to go. "Porcelina of the Vast Oceans" 30" x 48" oil on canvas is essentially a piece of "fan art" inspired by an epic song by the Smashing Pumpkins bearing the same title: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fe9dTVbAtcw

most recent completed work "Messages from Babylon" SOLD!

most recent completed work "Messages from Babylon" SOLD!

When I completed this one back in May and posted it on social media, it sold to a buyer in Montreal in less than a day; barely off the easel."Messages from Babylon"....18" x 24" Oil on Gallery Canvas: I've had this image rattling around in my cranium since I was about 11 or 12 years old; a skull on a video screen. I'm 53 now, so I've had this idea for a little while. As a child, I knew I didn't want the video screen to be a regular TV, but something more. It wasn't until I was 16 that I learned about oscilloscopes, how they work and how to use them. Although in subsequent years I considered other forms of test instrumentation such as a spectrum analyzer or vector network analyzer, I finally reverted back to the first choice I made in my teen years. The oscilloscope was extremely time consuming to paint but not too difficult to render, since I'm a collector of antiques and other odd items. I pulled out my Tektronix 2465 4-channel oscilloscope and placed it next to my easel to paint as a "still life", but I completely changed the lighting and, hence, the colour scheme in the process. I was under bright, white lighting while painting this, but rendered it under dim red and green lighting you might find in some sort of control room. The equalizer was completely made up and freehand; no references were used. However, I do have several equalizers in my collection of stuff too. This painting was inspired by an old song by the Buggles; "Video Killed the Radio Star". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrjdpNDfZLo

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