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Nadine Gagnon
Nadine Gagnon photo

Nadine Gagnon


Nadine Gagnon

Saguenay, Canada


1989 - 1992
Cégep de Chicoutimi en technologie de l'architecture


Oeuvres exposés sur mon lieu de travail
January, 2022

A native of Ville de la Baie in Saguenay in the 70s. Nadine lived for some twenty years in Rivière-Éternité, a village in the heart of the Lower Saguenay. Throughout her youth, Nadine enjoyed reading the "Archies" children's series, and began to take an interest in drawing and sketching. She drew female faces and, above all, horses, dogs, wolves and even vampires. She later obtained a degree in architectural technology. During her studies, she fell in love with the freehand drawing course and the photography course taught by the same teacher. This teacher saw in her her artistic side and pushed and motivated her to continue. Unfortunately, Nadine didn't believe in her skills, misjudged herself and her potential. Having changed career paths, and with life taking her down other paths and to other regions, she returned to drawing in her spare time, in her early forties. Later, she went so far as to enroll in evening classes to practice other media, such as pastel and acrylic painting. She took further online courses to perfect mixed techniques and pourring. Confidence and indulgence have been her greatest weapons. Don't give up, go for it and do what you want without listening to negative comments. Sky's the limit

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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