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Nansie Artiste
Nansie Artiste photo

Nansie Artiste


Nansie Artiste

Québec, Canada


2000 - 2002
Laval University


Les petits mondes
August, 1999
August, 2019
Levée de fonds pour le cancer du sein
August, 2019

Painter native of Saguenay Lac St-Jean, I began my studies in visual arts at the Cégep de Jonquière and continued them at Laval University when I arrived in Quebec City. Now self-taught, I pursue my artistic approach using different techniques including the casting technique.

"The theme that I pursue in my work is what is related to the universe; what builds it: atoms, molecules, the cells, the stars, etc.

I want to make visible this energy that operates in the universe and that links us all together.

When I create, I abandon myself and allow myself to become an intermediary of this same energy.

The viewer's gaze can be subjective, as one can see something like the universe seen through a telescope, and another can observe cells from the human body in a microscope.

But no matter what you observe, what is most important to me is what you feel. For this feeling is an echo of that force that emanates from the work of art, part of the same energy that flows through me when I create. What you see and what you feel are different expressions of the same force generated by the cosmos, and it is this close link with the universe that I want to transmit
with the universe that I want to convey through my art."

"We are closely connected to the cosmos, and in a way, we are generated by it."
Hubert Reeves

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