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Norman Burnham
Norman Burnham photo

Norman Burnham


Norman Burnham

Calgary, Canada


1978 - 1982
Painting at Alberta College of Art
1982 - 1983
Winter Cycle at Banff Centre School of Fine Arts


Shaping Alberta (group show)
August, 2019

Norman Burnham is a Western-based artist working primarily in painting but occasionally in photography too. Influenced by the railway posters of A.C. Leighton and others from the early 20th Century, his work usually features a single, dominant subject. He is interested in the subtle colour shifts not possible in photography which really make a painting stand out. Recently his subject matter has been primarily infrastructure and industry. He has, however, spend a lot of time in the Rocky Mountains, which have a way of getting into his work too.

Norman Burnham is a Western artist working mainly in painting, but occasionally in photography too. Influenced by the railway posters of A.C. Leighton and others from the early 20th century, his work usually features a single dominant subject. He's interested in subtle color changes that aren't possible in photography and that really make a painting stand out. Recently, his subject matter has mainly been infrastructure and industry. He has, however, spent a lot of time in the Rocky Mountains, which have a way of entering his work too.

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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