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Nozomi Kamei
Nozomi Kamei photo

Nozomi Kamei


Nozomi Kamei

Edmonton, Canada


Symmetry The Motif Collective
September, 2021
Fine Art Athens
October, 2021
Street Photography Athens
November, 2021
Your Best Shot Athens
January, 2022
University of Alberta Hospital Edmonton
May, 2022
The Derrick Golf and Winter Club Edmonton
June, 2022
Royal Glenora Club Edmonton
July, 2022
Mood Cafe Edmonton
May, 2022
July, 2022
Allied Arts Council Spruce Grove Art Gallery
July, 2022
Centre d'arts visuels de l'Alberta
September, 2022

Hello. I am Nozomi.

I was born and raised in an area surrounded by rice fields in Japan. I went to a high school in Norway. Now, I am based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

I am a self-taught photographer wishing to connect with people through photography. Photography has been helping my journey and self exploration, and I love to share such effects with people. I see so many possibilities in humans and surroundings through photography which I also love to share. Encouraged by my friends, colleagues, and family, I started to work on photography to share with more people in 2020. I started applying for photo contests in 2021.

I am a registered yoga teacher through an internationally recognized Yoga Alliance, and have worked in health and wellness fields with athletes, children, youth, older adults, and people with disabilities in Edmonton. I have a Physical Education and Recreation Degree from University of Alberta. I came to Canada to learn about the relationship between our mind and body. I also came here to explore what I can do in this world. Interacting with people has been a fruitful experience which has been influencing my creativity.


Observing and connecting with nature, I see so many possibilities in nature.


Observing and interacting with people, I see so many possibilities in people.


I am observing and interacting with nature and making sense of my interactions with humans.


​Arts help viewers and artists become aware of our inner self. This lived experience shows us our true nature.

It brings me great joy if anyone gets some feelings or support for their journey through my photos. Even if it is One person in the world who enjoys my photo, it means the world to me.

I am intuitive, sensitive, a coffee lover, a day dreamer, curious, and socially awkward sometimes.


I am energized by the sun, nature, animals, water, and genuine smiles.


Thank you very much for being a part of this journey. Wishing you and your loved ones peaceful moments today.

Je m’appelle Nozomi. Je suis un photographe autodidacte. Nozomi signifie espoir en japonais. J’ai grandi dans une région entourée de rizières et je suis allé à l’école en Norvège. Je suis venu ici pour explorer ce que je peux faire dans ce monde. À Edmonton, je suis allé à l’université, j’ai travaillé dans les domaines de la santé et du bien-être, j’ai enseigné le yoga, j’ai rencontré des gens intéressants et j’ai commencé à en apprendre davantage sur la photographie. Toutes mes rencontres influencent ma photographie et j’aimerais me connecter avec les gens à travers la photographie. L’expérience de la photographie m’a apporté des explorations, des aventures et des découvertes, et j’aimerais partager de tels effets avec les gens. Cela m’apporte une grande joie si quelqu’un obtient des sentiments ou du soutien pour son voyage à travers mon travail. Même si ce n’est qu’une seule personne au monde qui apprécie ma photo, cela signifie le monde pour moi. Je vous remercie tous d’avoir fait partie de ce voyage.

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