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olivia photo




Varennes, Canada


2015 - present


Raw artists Montréal
October, 2022
Raw artists Toronto
May, 2023

Since childhood, I've always had a great interest in painting and my dream was to become a painter. I'm completely self-taught and I rely on my intuition in the choice and ageing of colors.
I've explored many techniques and mediums, but I find myself more drawn to abstracts and seascapes.
I grew up in a coastal town and spent my vacations admiring the beauty of the ocean, the softness of the sand and the sound of the waves. It's my source of inspiration and what feeds my imagination the most.
Through my artistic production, I try to communicate my emotions of the moment and rely on my imagination when choosing techniques, medium and colors.
Through my creations, I try to pay homage to women and their complex, fascinating and mysterious emotional universe.
Finally, I invite you to visit my gallery to discover my creations, my abstract expression of femininity through gesture and color.

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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