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Racheal Cholet
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Racheal Cholet


Racheal Cholet

Winnipeg , Canada

Born in France, I have been in Canada for over 30 years on and off. I started playing with paints at a younger age with paint by numbers in oils. I quickly realized the numbers were becoming obsolete and became a self-taught artist, taking a few workshops as needed.

Oil has been my go to medium for everything except for classes where I usually teach acrylics or watercolors. The richness, vibrancy and texture of oils makes it a pleasure to work with.

I accept commissions. I teach. paint murals. and I have won many a Juried Art Shows along the years.

Born in France, I've been in Canada for about 30 years. I started painting with oil paints by number, but I quickly realized that numbers weren't useful. I became a self-taught artist, taking a few courses here and there.

I always paint in oils except when I'm giving classes, when the medium of choice often becomes acrylic or watercolor. Oil paint is vibrant, glossy and creamy to work with, and remains my preferred medium.

I accept commissions, teach classes, paint murals and have won numerous competitions over the years.

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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