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Rahul Narwal
Rahul Narwal photo

Rahul Narwal


Rahul Narwal

Winnipeg, Canada

Being a Chemical Engineer and worked into corporates for about 20 years, I never thought of being an artist. Yes, just like all other kids I loved to paint in school. It all started in 2018. Every time I used to take my daughter for art lessons, I used to get fascinated with the paintings on the academy's wall and thought of trying my hand in painting and believe me I found that I was really good at it. I got so much appreciation on my first work from my family, friends and my daughter's art teacher that they advised me to pursue it professionally.
With lot of persuasion and support of my wife, I left my job and became a professional artist. As they say, it takes hours and hours of practice to become a master, I am still practicing and improving with every art work of mine. I do not have any particular style or specific genre, I paint what I love and what appeals me.

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