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RAMEL photo




Chibougamau, Canada


1993 - 1993

I am from the Philippines.
I grew up in a small town called Olongapo and I have always loved art. I remember the very first thing that I drew was Superman on the back pages of my father's physics book, that made him angry.
In grade school I participated in numerous art competitions and fairly got goods reviews for it. In high school I was an alumni in the National Journalists competition by drawing "editorial cartoons" which is a dying artform nowadays, because the printed newspaper is a sunset industry.
I began to study architecture in college but could not finish due to stiff finances and graduated with a degree in engineering instead. In my country, Studying arts may arguably be more expensive than becoming a dentist or an engineer perse.
And although my work career led to another path, still my love for the arts never withered.
So here I am trying my best as an amateur artist.

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