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Sandra Proulx
Sandra Proulx photo

Sandra Proulx


Sandra Proulx

Elie, Canada


View of Nature
September, 2020

Sandra has been painting with oil for 25 years and is a self-taught artist. Much of her technique was initially learned by watching “The Joy of Painting” with Bob Ross, and alla prima is her preferred technique. In January of 2020, Sandra had several people approach her about purchasing paintings, so she decided to take a hobby that she loved, to a new level by selling her work. In addition to her original pieces featuring landscapes, airplanes, and animals, she also has mugs and prints featuring some of her paintings, made so people could have a small piece of her art.

During the spring of 2020, Sandra had more time at home due to the COVID pandemic, so in addition to landscapes, she began to paint animals, and then also began to dabble in painting people. As aviation is a big part of her life, Sandra also paints a lot of airplanes, whether in silhouette or in full detail. This joy of painting airplanes led to a commission she received from the Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada to do a series of paintings for the new location of the museum.

In Fall of 2020, Sandra had her first gallery show at Prairie Fusion in Portage la Prairie, and has also had some pieces at Cre8ery in Winnipeg. Sandra also submitted 3 pieces to the Central Region Juried Art Exhibition, and 2 of the pieces were selected to tour the region with that show, and 1 was selected to be part of the Manitoba Rural and Northern Juried Air Show for September of 2021.

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