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Shaun Gamache
Shaun Gamache photo

Shaun Gamache

Shaken To The Bone

Shaken To The Bone

Sometimes I will shatter. Happens a lot when my sugars are high or low. It rocks me to the core. I have learned to observe it and try to have little attachment to it. It also happens when I am hit by a huge energy wave in the cosmic. To ground where there is no ground. To be the center of the universe. That is the training.



The feelings in my body are intense. I feel what feels like love till my heart hurts from the intensity. I feel a total loss of hope. I try to observe it with none attachment. I go back and forth between the two. Sometimes only feeling one for ten twenty minutes before the other sets in. I know that when I feel good the opposite will happen. And when I my heart hurts with pain I know it will turn around. I know of transmutation, yet the cycles continue. My heart hurts so much at times. I made a vow to feel everything through my heart. Now I think it would be better to feel some things through my solar plexus or gut. Bring it into the one point. This piece is the worn warier. He has many years of dealing with the human condition, and has the strength for many more.

Part of the Solution

Part of the Solution

What we focus on is what becomes. It is like the movie sphere. It becomes what ever we project into it. Our world is like that. Our intent creates our reality. If we are in a world we don’t like intend what we want. Slowly the world will match to create that intent. Our world does not have to be the greater world. What we experience in our world is what matters. That is our influence. Are we part of the problem, or are we part of the solution.



What happens when we resolve the paradox. Both sides of the duality can exist. I asked the question once what do we do with good and evil once the paradox is resolved. The answer was "pick one and go for broke" Swift Deer. In duality does it really matter what side we choose. For me it still does. I need to be on Gods side. I am having a light life time. I am one of the light workers here. I pray that my work can reveal things within you and uplift you.



I look at the sky and see the Kachinahey. People, animals. I have been able to see them most of my life. I have not been able to talk to them though. I wish I could. I can talk to the ancestors but can not see them. What I see I cannot hear, and what I hear I cannot see. It has made it interesting. I talk to those that can talk to the dead that have recently past and all they want is for you to tell their loved ones that they love them and that they are all right. I wouldn't want to go around having to give those kinds of messages all the time to complete strangers. Instead I write my books. I have three books and one Oracle deck that I have created. They are books of my work. One is an autobiography. I will let you know when I have them posted on the internet again.

Mystical Paintings

Mystical Paintings

I like to travel up the planes in my consciousness. I do this in meditation. I meditate every day for hours. It is the energy I experience in these meditations that often become the influx I get for me artworks. For me they become mystical.

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