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Shaun Gamache
Shaun Gamache photo

Shaun Gamache

The Dream

The Dream

It swims in me
In my chest
Eating at my heart
All I can do is feel it

I expand
Into the disassociation
Where do I start and stop
I have to be able to fall of a wire without feeling sorry for myself

Observing my pity
Observing my suffering
Long suffering is to be cherished in the Church

There is no ground
I ground to the central sun
There my physical body floats
My mind is aloof

My vision feels profound
In this euphoric bliss
The bliss hurts
I moan to release the pressure of the feeling

My heart is so hard to feel
I want to run from it
Yet I must be with it
Is this what love is

I cry
I cough
I pace
Then I must lie down

It feels like I am accomplishing something
Yet I am not sure what that something is
Sometimes I wish I knew what the feeling was about
Other times I just want to fall asleep and take it into the dream


Masculine and Feminine

Masculine and Feminine

In my masculine I am an old soul. I am tiered. I go through life in pain. I am a lightworker to be of service, yet I have been shut down and feel I am not useful any more. In my feminine there is new hope as my heart opens up. It hurts. Feels like I am having a heart attack most of the time. Yet there is youthful vigoure my feminine receiving. The lines in the background represent the chaos in my mind and in the psychic planes I venture to. It is painful to be there. Yet when I am of service I tap in and then have to deal with it until I can shut it down again. Chaos brings death and change which brings new life or new patterns. That is the structure of the chaos. I pull from the German abstract expressionists. I am German myself. Pulling from my roots. I also pull from the Automatistes as I am also French. In the chaos I often see images that further give to the meaning of the piece. I leave each observer to come up with their own images.

Out of the Spiral

Out of the Spiral

My immune system is taking over after my Covid shot. Still an emotional rollercoaster. Bombarded by anti vaxers wherever I look. We will have to see what the new normal looks like. Hopefully we learned something.

Into The Nagual

Into The Nagual

I connected with someone the other day and taped in. It really shows up in my work when I do. I start to pull images from the higher planes.

Walking the line between Self Importance and Self Pity

Walking the line between Self Importance and Self Pity

Going from being on top of the world to having no hope. A cycle that continues. To observe it from the observational platform. To not take the human condition so seriously. I often laugh at myself. To navigate the chaos with a still yet fast mind.

Does It Matter

Does It Matter

Wanting more
How to do that
With no attachment
How can I want more when it does not matter

Showing 1 to 6 of 14 results

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