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Shoumi Mahmud
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Shoumi Mahmud


Shoumi Mahmud

Toronto, Canada

Art has always been my passion since childhood. Sadly, I never got a chance to go to any art school. The part of the world I am from, doesn't widely recognize it as a full time profession. Yet, I tried different forms of art like sketching, pastel, water color, glass painting, pottery painting, fabric painting, crafting etc.

After my graduation from Finance, I started a job in a related field. With the daily schedule I had, my dream of being an artist was as good as dead. For years I did not draw a single thing and I thought it to be the end.

In December 2020, I moved to Canada and in March 2021, my son was born. I took a career break to take care of my child. Being a new mother in a new country with a new routine while all the friends and relatives are far away, was extremely difficult and distressful. To make me feel better, I started painting again. And now I am really happy that I did that. It was a great stress reliever and helped me deal with postpartum. I felt like I was reborn. Now I don't want to part from this passion of mine.

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