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Stephen Benedek
Stephen Benedek photo

Stephen Benedek


Stephen Benedek

Toronto, Canada


2018 - present
Academy of Realist Art, Toronto


Willowdale Group of Artists
November, 2022
North York Visual Arts group show
September, 2020

Although I have dabbled in visual art for decades , I only started to paint seriously after retirement from my "day job" as a family dentist. Since then , I have taken many workshops and classes , and after trying watercolors and acrylics , I have settled on oil for my pieces , which are almost entirely figurative.
I prefer to paint the human figure and portrait in a fairly realistic , accurate way , although sometimes in a somewhat abstract environment. The model is often portrayed in some sort of activity , usually requiring some skill and commitment; they may be musicians , acrobats , mothers , dancers , etc. Though I am well aware of the tragedies of life, my models are usually shown to be in a positive , transcendent state of my mind.

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