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Stessy Chenail
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Stessy Chenail


Stessy Chenail

Saint-Denis-de-Brompton, Canada

Stessy Chenail is an artist from the Eastern Townships region of Quebec. Since her youth, she has been passionate about creation. She has taken several art courses throughout her life. She then decided to direct her creativity towards fashion design. She had a custom dressmaking company, as well as a snow skirt company for 14 years.

During those years, she made many paper dresses that allowed her to win several awards. Thanks to this experience, she has been selected as a judge in 2 paper design competitions, including the White Cashmere Collection competition.

Since 2017, She made the decision to redirect her creativity towards drawing and painting. She felt like going back to the basics of her passion, seeing the beauty in everything, and transmitting it via her creations. She has the concern to realize paintings to measure according to the criteria of her customers. Also, she gives drawing and plastic art workshops in schools, because she finds it important to get involved with young people.

She also participates in several exhibitions, as well as in the elaboration of the cultural policy of her municipality, because she has culture at heart.

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