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Sylvie Lauzon
Sylvie Lauzon photo

Sylvie Lauzon


Sylvie Lauzon

Montreal, Canada


1992 - 2000
Fine arts
2016 - 2018
private lessons
2016 - 2018
private lessons


Les couleurs s'exposes
March, 2012
November, 2014
Vue de face
September, 2016
Les artistes de Coeurs
November, 2017

A passion since I was very young, my artistic career has included several training courses in trompe l'oeil and skating, but I've been transposing my art onto canvas for around 20 years now, using brush and knife to depict unique places haunted by the imprint of mankind. I explore the colorful villages of a distant European era, and my subjects often bear the personal stamp of Impressionism and Post-Impressionism.
Whether in still lifes, landscapes or figures.

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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