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Therese Lydia Joseph
Therese Lydia Joseph photo

Therese Lydia Joseph


Therese Lydia Joseph

North Vancouver, Canada


2004 - 2011
Emily Carr University of Art
2008 - 2012
Langara College - Figure Drawing


Heimwarts von Auswerts - Solo Show, Switzerland
July, 2010
ARRPS Gallery - Duo Show, Amsterdam
May, 2014
Art in the Hall - Solo Show, West Vancouver
April, 2017
Gertrude Zack Gallery - Upcoming Solo Show, Vancouver
October, 2024

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Born and educated in Switzerland. I moved to Canada where I worked as a teacher and art instructor with both children and adults for many years. I create out of my home based studio in North Vancouver.

Every day I stumble upon the hidden beauty of ordinary, often unnoticed and disregarded subjects. These subjects are not limited to objects; they include my fellow humans I bump into every day. I get caught up in the unexpected wonder of the subject’s shape or form, colour or pattern, disposition or mood. My purpose is to grab hold of the intense feeling this provokes in me and capture it in my artwork. I approach the canvas with enthusiasm, spontaneity and brave bold mark making. Using acrylics and mixed media allows me to be creative without limits. One brushstroke leads to another until the painting is complete. For me the process is an adventurous journey - a mysterious story all the way to the end.
ULTIMATELY I SEEK HARMONY BETWEEN “strength and fragility” and “vibrancy and serenity”.

Né et éduqué en Suisse.
J'ai émigré au Canada où j'ai travaillé comme éducatrice et enseigné l'art aux enfants, aux adultes et aux personnes âgées pendant de nombreuses années. Je crée à partir de mon home studio à North Vancouver.

Je suis un artiste intuitif qui utilise des techniques mixtes. Mes coups de pinceau sont audacieux et mes sujets sont créés à partir de l'imagination.

Geboren und ausgebildet in der Schweiz.
Ich bin nach Kanada ausgewandert, wo ich viele Jahre als Pädagogin und Kunstlehrerin mit Kinder,n Erwachsenen und älteren Menschen gearbeitet habe. Ich kreiere in meinem Heimstudio in Nord-Vancouver.

Ich bin eine intuitive Künstlerin, die gemischte Medien verwendet. Meine Pinselstriche sind kräftig und meine Motive entstehen aus der Fantasie.

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