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Thomas Leung
Thomas Leung photo

Thomas Leung


Thomas Leung

Shanghai, China


- present
Alameda College


GuangZhou International Public Art Fair, Poly world trade center expo, GuangZhou
November, 2021

Born on May 30, 1958, Thomas Leung is the eldest of four siblings who got exposed to the wonders of colors and canvas from a very young age. Carefully watching in awe as his father, also an famous artist, created wonders on the canvas as every brush stroke brought artwork to life, Thomas Leung soon found himself as an artist. Not long after that, his artworks also started to get renown, with his paintings exhibited in the Miramar Hotel in Hong Kong alongside his father's work.
By the time he was 20 (in 1978), his family decided to migrate to California, the land of artists, where he continued to develop his craft, joining the College of Alameda to study art. Here, he developed his own niche, backed by the desire to give voice to his inner feelings towards his love for nature - and the answer lay in abstract art.
Capturing his own journeys through nature through paintings, he has put everything from the explosive volcanoes of Hawaii to serene vistas of China onto his canvas. He has continued along this path for the past 40 years. But art is a journey, with there always being much to learn. To this day, he continues to experiment with colors, now putting intense movements on a canvas - differing from his father's works.
"Viewers may wonder what exactly I am expressing in these abstract works," he says. His inspiration still comes from the starry night and the colorful aspects of nature. Only this time, instead of being in one standard shape, these artworks now have disparate designs, bringing the expression of his view of nature to life. These works have gotten the attention of major public shows like Art Expo in New York, Boston, and Log Angeles in the past. But Thomas is not bound by one nation. His artistic expressions continue to inspire in exhibitions worldwide, including Canada, Australia, Singapore, China, and Japan.
Favored among art aficionados, Thomas Leung has had many collect his works. Right now, his works also published as limited and open editions, sold in many fine galleries in the world.

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