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Urbanmoon photo


Placed 2nd in the "Images of Hamilton" at the Ancaster Memorial Arts Centre

Placed 2nd in the "Images of Hamilton" at the Ancaster Memorial Arts Centre

I am so honoured to have been awarded 2nd place in the inaugural photography exhibition at the Ancaster Memorial Arts Centre. A big congratulations to Leslie Anne Harris for her gorgeous sunrise of Hamilton and to Norm Brown, the 1st place winner, for his amazing capture of a local, downtown street through his icy/snowy car windshield! And a big thank you to Randy Osatchuk for all his hard work on putting this show together, to the jurors, judges, and to all behind the scenes who were involved.
The exhibition runs until June 30, 2023, be sure to check it out and see what a fantastic centre it is that they've put together. Music, theatre, film, art.. and in such a beautiful space.

McMaster Innovation Park, 33rd “Art in the Workplace” exhibition on now

McMaster Innovation Park, 33rd “Art in the Workplace” exhibition on now

The 33rd "Art in the Workplace" juried art exhibition at McMaster Innovation Park is the first new exhibition since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and we are all excited. I am thrilled to have had two of my aviation photographs accepted into this event. The exhibition runs March 29th, 2022 - June 21, 2022 and is free for all to come enjoy. Check the Art in the Workplace website for up-to-date COVID protocols and opening hours.  The Opening Gala is May 12th, 2022, 7-9 PM, all are welcome and we hope to see you there!

McMaster Innovation Park
101A-175 Longwood Rd South
Hamilton, Ontario, L8P 0A1

Monday – Friday: 8AM – 6PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

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